Continued Care

Increase Mobility: Gentle movements through the joints in order to help increase range of motion and decrease pain

Functional Strengthening Exercises

It is important that endurance athletes are strong. Sometimes individuals have muscle imbalances which can increase risk of injury. Functional strengthening exercises are prescribed based on these muscle imbalanced in order to keep you strong and reduce risk of injury

Ongoing Education

Being mindful of what your body is doing in space is important to decreasing tension and tightness as well as decreasing weaknesses. Dr. Keristyn looks at each of her patients holistically in order to…

Gait Analysis / Run Cueing

For runners who are struggling with injuries or are interested in working on their running form, a gait anslysis can be performed. This is done by combining video imaging technology and expert running analysis by Dr. Keristyn to break down your gait and make measurements to give educated feedback.

From there, a multiple step program working on running cues, drills, and functional strength exercises will be prescribed